Worte der Päpste über die Erneuerung
Immer wieder haben sich die Päpste Paul VI. und Johannes Paul II. sehr positiv über die Charismatische Erneuerung geäußert.
Charismatische Erneuerung - Hoffnungszeichen für die Welt
Papst zum 35. Jahrestag der Bewegung: Euer Beitrag hat vielen Menschen geholfen, die Schönheit der Taufgnade wieder zu entdecken
Vatikan (kath.net/Zenit.org)
Papst Johannes Paul II. hat die Menschen der Charismatischen Bewegung ermutigt, weiterhin lebendige Zeugen zu sein, um die Präsenz des Heiligen Geists zu bezeugen.
Die päpstliche Botschaft wurde am Samstag vom vatikanischen Pressesaal veröffentlicht. Sie richtet sich an die katholische Bruderschaft Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships, die vom 9. bis 13. November in Rom einen Kongress begangen, um den 35. Jahrestag der Entstehung der Erneuerungsbewegung durch den Geist im Schoße der Katholischen Kirche zu feiern.
Die katholische Fraternität, wie man sie gemeinhin nennt, entstand 1990 auf Initiative verschiedener charismatischer Gruppen aus Australien, USA, Kanada, Frankreich, Malaysia und Neuseeland.
Die Anerkennung seitens des Päpstlichen Laienrates als Private Glaubensverbindung erfolgte alsbald. Heute gehören ihr 50 Kommunitäten mit über 30.000 Mitgliedern aus 15 Ländern an.
Dieser Bewegung gehören weltweit 80 Millionen Katholiken an.
Euer Beitrag zum Leben der Kirche durch euer Zeugnis der Gegenwart und des Wirkens des Heiligen Geistes hat vielen Menschen geholfen, die Schönheit der Taufgnade, welche Leben im Heiligen Geist bedeutet, wiederzuentdecken, so der Heilige Vater in seiner Botschaft.
Hinsichtlich der Kongressthemen Familie, Jugendliche und menschliche Entwicklung wies der Papst auf die Notwendigkeit hin, Herz und Sinn den Nöten der durch die Sinneskrise geschüttelten Menschheit zu öffnen.
Daher unterstrich er auch die Dringlichkeit einer Evangelisierung der Kultur, auf dass das Leben von der Hoffnung und nicht von der Furcht und Skepsis geprägt ist.
Daher ermutigte der Papst die Charismatiker, lebendige Hoffnungszeichen und Leuchttürme der Frohbotschaft Christi für die Menschen unserer Zeit zu sein.
Das bedeute aber, so fügte er hinzu, wahre Zeugen in herzlicher Gemeinschaft mit den Nachfolgern der Apostel, den Bischöfen und jener Wahrheit zu sein, welche die Welt heutzutage so sehr braucht.
An die Charismatiker, so der Papst abschließend, sei auch die große Herausforderung gestellt, welche das neue Jahrtausend für die Kirche mit sich bringe, nämlich Haus und Schule der Gemeinschaft zu sein.
Für weitere Informationen siehe: www.catholicfraternity.net.
URL: http://www.kath.net/detail.php?id=3731
Auf KATH.NET seit dem: 12. 11. 2002 10:26 Uhr
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Papst: Charismatische Erneuerung, Geistesgabe an die Kirche
Feiert 30-jähriges Bestehen in Italien
Vatikan (kath.net/Zenit.org)
Papst Johannes Paul II. feierte am Donnerstag 30 Jahre Charismatische Erneuerung in Italien. Er empfing eine Delegation von Mitgliedern dieser kirchlichen Bewegung die mittlerweile auf der ganzen Welt vertreten ist.
Ja rief der Heilige Vater voller Enthusiasmus aus, als er die Charismatiker in Audienz empfing, wie man sie gewöhnlich nennt. Die Erneuerung im Geiste kann man als ein besonderes Geschenk des Heiligen Geistes an die Kirche unserer Zeit betrachten.
Die Charismatische Bewegung hat in Italien über 200.000 Mitglieder in 1.800 Gemeinschaften oder Gebetsgruppen. Schätzungen zufolge, die Radio Vatikan am Donnerstag zitierte, gibt es heute innerhalb der katholischen Kirche 80 Millionen dieser Gruppe auf der Welt.
Der Heilige Vater dankte insbesondere für den Geist, in dem die Erneuerung in Italien wächst, welche sich durch Kooperation mit der Hierarchie und mit den Verantwortlichen der anderen Bewegungen, Verbände und Kommunitäten auszeichnet.
Entstanden in der Kirche für die Kirche, kann man in eurer Bewegung das Licht des Evangeliums und die lebendige Begegnung mit Jesus erfahren sowie die Treue zu Gott durch das persönliche und gemeinschaftliche Gebet, das Lauschen auf Gottes Wort und die Entdeckung der Sakramente sowie den Mut bei Prüfungen und die Hoffnung in der Heimsuchung erfahren.
Der Papst fügte noch hinzu, dass die Liebe zur Kirche und die Treue zum Lehramt auf einem Weg kirchlicher Reife gestützt durch eine solide permanente Weiterbildung beredte Zeichen eures Einsatzes sind, wobei ihr das Risiko zu meiden sucht, ungewollt einer bloßen emotionellen Erfahrung des Göttlichen auf den Leim zu gehen.
Dieses Risiko kann man schätzen in einer übertriebenen Suche nach dem Außerordentlichen und einem intimistischen Rückzug, welche dem apostolischen Einsatz aus dem Weg zu gehen sucht.
Zum Schluss segnete der Papst die drei von der Charismatischen Bewegung begonnenen Projekte in Italien.
Erstens: Die Unterstützung der Reintegrierung der Kirche in Moldawien in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Regina Pacis der italienischen Erzdiözese Lecce. Diese Institution hat unter anderem Hunderte von jungen moldawischen Frauen aus der Sklaverei der Prostitution befreit.
Zweitens: die geistige Animierung von Marienwallfahrtsorten seitens einiger Charismatiker, für die sich auch der Papst ausgesprochen hat, da sie vom Geist privilegierte Orte seien, was euch die Gelegenheit bietet, den Pilgern Wege zur Glaubensvertiefung und spiritueller Reflexion zu bieten.
Schließlich ermutigte der Papst zu dem Projekt Brennender Dornbusch, eine Einladung zur Ewigen Anbetung Tags und Nachts. Es geht darum, die Christen zum Abendmahlssaal zurückzuführen, um so die volle Einheit und Umkehr der Sünder zu erlangen.
URL: http://www.kath.net/detail.php?id=2072
Auf KATH.NET seit dem: 19. 03. 2002 13
Several times, Popes, both Paul VI and John Paul II, have addressed
the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
Below you will find some of the most important quotations
that have been given to the Renewal light and strength.
ICCRS has published a book with all the messages and addresses
which those Popes have given to CCR.
The book, "Then Peter stood up..." - Collection
of the Popes' Addresses to the CCR from its origin to the year 2000,
wants to be a special "gift"
that ICCRS published for the Holy Year 2000.
«We rejoice with you, dear friends, at the renewal of the spiritual life manifested in the Church today, in different forms and in various environments. [...] In all that, we can recognize the mysterious and hidden work of the Spirit, who is the soul of the church».
Address of Paul VI on occasion of the first International Leaders' Conference, Grottaferrata (Rome) 10 October 1973
«How then could this "spiritual renewal" not be "a chance" for the church and for the world? And how, in this case, could one not take all the means to ensure that it remains so? [...] Nothing is more necessary for such a world, more and more secularized, than the testimony of this "spiritual renewal", which we see the Holy Spirit bring about today in the most diverse regions and environments. Its manifestations are varied: deep communion of souls, close contact with God in faithfulness to the commitments undertaken at Baptism, in prayer that is often community prayer, in which each one, expressing himself freely, helps, supports and nourishes the prayer of others, and, at the basis of everything, a personal conviction. This conviction has its source not only in instruction received by faith but also in a certain experience of real life, namely, that without God, man can do nothing, that with him, on the contrary, everything becomes possible.»
Address of Pope Paul VI to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal on occasion of the Second International Leaders' Conference, Rome, 19 May 1975
«I am convinced that this movement is a sign of His action (of the Spirit). The world is much in need of this action of the Holy Spirit, and it needs many instruments for this action. [...] Now I see this movement, this activity everywhere.»
Private audience of Pope John Paul II with the ICCRO Council, Rome, 11 December 1979
«This morning I have the joy of meeting this assembly of yours, in which I see young people, adults, old people, men and women, united in the profession of the same faith, sustained by longing for the same hope, bound together by bonds of that charity which "has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us" (Rm. 5:5). To this effusion of the Spirit we know we owe a deeper and deeper experience of the presence of Christ, thanks to which we can grow daily in loving knowledge of the Father. Rightly, therefore, your movement pays particular attention to the action, mysterious but real, that the third person of the Holy Trinity plays in the Christian's life.»
First audience of Pope John Paul II with the Italian Renewal, Rome, 23 November 1980
«Your reputation goes before you, like that of his beloved Philippians, which prompted the Apostle Paul to begin his letter to them with a sentiment I am happy to echo: "I give thanks to my God every time I think of you [...] The Church has seen the fruits of your devotion to prayer in a deepened commitment to holiness of life and love for the word of God."»
Address of Pope John Paul II at the Fourth International Leaders' Conference, Rome, 7 May 1981
«[...] I ask you, and all the members of the Charismatic Renewal, to continue to cry aloud to the world with me: "Open the doors to the Redeemer" [...] The church's mission is to proclaim Christ to the world. You share effectively in this mission insofar as your groups and communities are rooted in the local churches, in your dioceses and parishes.»
Address of Pope John Paul II at the Fifth International Leaders' Conference, Rome, 30 April 1984
«The first dimension of renewal consists, therefore, in this: "to live according the Spirit", in this continual growing in the Spirit, resisting the gratifications of the "flesh", opening oneself to the strong, sweet attraction of God. This inner renewal, this healing of the very roots of life and this formation of a mentality dominated by the "promptings of the Spirit" is your vocation as Christians, your vocation as men and women, youths and adults of our time who want to give witness, who want that model to flourish in the world of today, the model of spirituality and even of courtesy...»
Address of Pope John Paul II to the participants in the National Congress of the Italian "Renewal in the Spirit", Rome, 15 November 1986
«[...] But there is yet another positive chance today: that of the group of prayer which have multiplied in the Catholic Church as in other ecclesial communities, spontaneously, in an unforeseen fashion. [...] a grace which has come precisely to sanctify the Church and to renew in her the taste for prayer through the rediscovery, with the Holy Spirit, of the sense of gratuitousness, of joyful praise, of confidence in intercession; and this becomes a new source of evangelisation.»
Audience of Pope John Paul II with the Bishops of Nothern France, 22 January 1987
«This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church. The vigour and fruitfulness of the Renewal certainly attest to the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit at work in the Church in these years after the Second Vatican Council. Of course, the Spirit has guided the Church in every age, producing a great variety of gifts among the faithful. Because of the Spirit, the church preserves a continual youthful vitality, and the Charismatic Renewal is an eloquent manifestation of this vitality today, a bold statement of what "the Spirit is saying to the churches" (Rev. 2:7) as we approach the close of the second millennium»
Address of Pope John Paul II at the Sixth International Leaders' conference, Rome, 15 May 1987
«The Holy Spirit is at work in groups such as yours, drawing you to prayer and filling you with joy in adoring and praising the Lord. As I wrote for the whole Church in my Encyclical Dominum et Vivificantem: "Recent years have been seeing a growth in the number of people who, in ever more widespread movements and groups, are giving first place to prayer and seeking in prayer a renewal of their spiritual life". In the same Spirit who send you forth to bear witness. How can anyone who has tasted the goodness of Christ remain silent and inactive? How can one lock away the good that has been so fully received?»
Address of Pope John Paul II to the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships, Rome, 7 December 1991
«As you celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, I willingly join you in giving praise to God for the many fruits which it has borne in the life of the Church. The emergence of the Renewal following the Second Vatican Council was a particular gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church. [...] At this moment in the Church's history, the Charismatic Renewal can play a significant role in promoting the much-needed defence of Christian life in societies where secularism and materialism have weakened many people's ability to respond to the Spirit and to discern God's loving call.»
Audience of Pope John Paul II with the ICCRO Council, Rome 14 March 1992
«You have just completed a spiritual retreat in Assisi, the city of St. Francis and also of St. Clare [...] These great figures of holiness in the Church made their own the words of St. Paul: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2:20)". Is this not the ideal and goal which permeates the Charismatic Renewal? Is it not the programme of life which your prayer groups and your communities have set themselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit? May the example and intercession of the great Saints of Assisi strengthen your resolve to grow continually in evangelical love and service "to the measure and the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph 4:13)»
Address of Pope John Paul II to Catholic Charismatic Renewal Leaders after ICCRS' Assisi Retreat, Castelgandolfo, 18 September 1993
«Your efforts to make known to others the joy of your faith in Christ will not only contribute to strengthening the life of the local Churches to which you belong, but will also inspire a deeper and more mature faith among your own members. [...] your emphasis on the centrality of Scripture for the Christian life can greatly help ecumenical understanding and co-operation, as all believers seek to hear the voice of the Spirit which continues to speak to the churches.»
Message of Pope John Paul II to participants in the plenary assembly of the CFCCCF, Rome, 14 November 1994
«How can we fail to praise God for the abundant fruit which in recent decades the Renewal has brought about in the lives of individuals and in communities? Countless people have appreciate the importance of Sacred Scripture for Christian living; they have acquired a new sense of the value of prayer and a profound yearning for holiness; many have returned to the sacraments; and a great number of men and women have achieved a deeper understanding of their baptismal call, and have committed themselves to the Church's mission with admirable dedication.»
Message of Pope John Paul II to participants to the Seventh International meeting of the CFCCCF, Rome, 9 November 1996
«The Catholic charismatic movement is one of the many fruits of the Second Vatican Council, which, like a new Pentecost, led to an extraordinary flourishing in the Church's life of groups and movements particularly sensitive to the action of the Spirit. How can we not give thanks for the precious spirituals fruits that the Renewal has produced in the life of the Church and in the lives of so many people? How many lay faithful - men, women, young people, adults and elderly - have been able to experience in their own lives the amazing power of the Spirit and his gifts! How many people have rediscovered faith, the joy of prayer, the power and beauty of the Word of God, translating all this into generous service in the Church's mission! How many lives have been profoundly changed! For all this today, together with you, I wish to praise and thank the Holy Spirit.»
Audience of Pope John Paul II with the National Service Committee of the Italian "Renewal in the Spirit", Rome, 4 April 1998
«Thanks to this powerful ecclesial experience, wonderful Christian families have come into being which are open to life, true "domestic churches", and many vocations to the ministerial priesthood and the religious life have blossomed, as well as new forms of lay life inspired by the evangelical counsels. You have learned in the movements and new communities that faith is not abstract talk, nor vague religious sentiment, but new life in Christ instilled by the Holy Spirit.»
Message at the meeting between Pope John Paul II and the ecclesial movements and new communities in St. Peter's Square, Rome, 30 May 1998
«Certainly, your own charism leads you to direct your life towards a special "intimacy" with the Holy Spirit. And a survey of the thirty years of the history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal shows that you have helped many people to rediscover the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, in the life of the Church and in the life of the world. [...] From the very beginning of my ministry as the Successor of Peter, I have considered the movements as a great spiritual resource for the Church and for humanity, a gift of the Holy Spirit for our time, a sign of hope for all people.»
Address of Pope John Paul II to participant at the Eight meeting of the CFCCCF, Rome, 1 June 1998
«The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has helped many Christians to rediscover the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, in the life of the Church and in the world, and this rediscovery has awakened in them a faith in Christ filled with joy, a great love of the Church and a generous dedication to her evangelising mission. In this year of the Holy Spirit, I join you in praise of God for the precious fruits which he has wished to bring to maturity in your communities and, through them, in the particular Churches»
Audience of Pope John Paul II with the participants at the Ninth Leaders' Conference, Fiuggi, 30 October 1998
« [...] your meeting is taking place under the patronage of an organisation. the International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services (ICCRS), whose task is to coordinate and promote exchange of experiences and reflections among Catholic Charismatic Communities throughout the world. Thanks to this, the wealth present in each community is for the benefit of everybody and all the communities can more easily perceive the bond of communion which binds them to each other and to whole Church. [...] I noticed that there was now a new stage also for the movements, "the one of ecclesial maturity". Also charismatic communities are called today to make this step and I am certain that, for ecclesial awareness to mature in the different charismatic communities throughout the world, ICCRS can have an important role.»
Address of Pope John Paul II to the participants in the National Congress of the Italian "Renewal in the Spirit", Rimini, 24 April 2000